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Have you ever thought about learning to play the piano, you just didn’t know where to start? Have you listened to different styles of music and wondered how they’re done? Maybe you already have a musical background and want to expand your knowledge and talent in a new way.

As human beings, music has always been a part of who we are. It’s part of what makes us different from all other living things on earth. To us it is the perceptible emotions of sound. It affects us so deeply, it has the power to inspire our minds. 

Throughout my 15 years of piano studies I have experienced adjudications, auditions, concerts, gigs, and festivals. I have trained classically through The Royal Conservatory of Music, licensing me to teach up to Grade 8 RCM. In 2016 I attended Selkirk College where I studied Contemporary Music and Technology. With such a broad understanding of music itself, I can show you what music means to you and why. I will show you how to learn more then just one style of reading and playing piano, therefore allowing you to have a better chance of success in the music industry. I work to create a fun environment where people of all ages can find their passion playing piano. 

Current society has been gravitating towards a technological approach to learning an instrument, there are more ways to learn online than ever before. I believe learning with a personal instructor is the foundation of becoming a passionate musician. Everyone has a different idea of what they want to learn, and with piano being so vast, it helps to have an individualized program; helping you overcome your weaknesses with professional opinion, discovering and leading you to your goals. 

Learning a musical instrument is a skill that you will appreciate for the rest of your life. How you learn will have the most impact on your inspiration to reach your musical goals. Using my education and background throughout my teaching, I will ensure an outstanding learning experience.

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